Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 13

I woke up at dawn, as I wanted. How? I guess my body just reacted to overwhelming desire. Desire to go hunting, against all odds and common sense. Getting up was hard, but I kinda got used to it by now. I knew my body is in terrible condition, and if I won\'t start doing something, it will only get worse. That is precisely why I had to go hunting.

I picked myself from the ground, Stumbled a bit, but caught myself before falling. Gathered equipment, and went outside. As always, took my time to go to the city center. Few people were awake. Almost all of them preparing to also go into the woods. We exchanged brief greetings. Couple of "Hi\'s", and a few nods. Won\'t give you any names, cause I simply don\'t remember them.

I ate breakfast. You could say it was too light because I mainly ate fruits. Got a few apples, oranges, and carrots. I did put some in my pockets. Paid a whole 16 points. A lot if you ask me. If I could, I would get some boiled potatoes. Something filling with tons of energy, but since I couldn\'t, I didn\'t.

I actually was the first one to leave the city that day. The barricade was still blocking the gate. Forest looked like the first time I saw it. Stright from the picture. Perfectly green trees, grass, and bushes. Unreal - I thought. Against what you are probably thinking by now, it was real.

In opposition to how I might sound now, I was not optimistic at that moment. I felt fear. To the point, I would probably shit myself If the panties I had on, weren\'t the only pair in my possession. I think the PTSD from the last hunting got to me. My stomach was almost in my throat, and my heart was going nuts inside the ribcage. It was hard to breathe. I remember it so clearly, even today.

I kinda feel pride when I think about myself taking the first step inside the forest. I won against fear. That\'s an achievement, isn\'t it? The skin was hypersensitive, to the point I could feel every blade of grass touching my legs. All five senses did the same. Too soon if you ask me. The first couple of steps was just a ridiculous experience. It went away with time since obviously, nothing happened.

I had to walk for over two hours to find the first group, which actually confirmed that the horde from the cave went probably back, to where it came from. I was taking my time, trying to be as sneaky as possible. Stopping now and then, to listen.

That\'s how I managed to stay hidden until I could ascertain how many of them were there. Four. One had a sharpened stick, long enough to work as a spear. The rest just clubs. Too many for me. Quickly I decided to not fight them and sneaked my way out, then started heading in a different direction.

The second group I encountered was even larger. Six green ones with the best equipment I\'ve seen so far. The first one had a bow and a few arrows, which he was holding in the other hand. Three, the usual wooden clubs, but the last had a wooden shield, and rusted, jagged shortsword. I just backed down, and for the second time changed my direction.

Finally, the third group was small. Only two, who were collecting firewood. I saw them from very far away, but since my sight was terrible it took me some time to confirm there were only two. I was crouching behind the tree for a solid half of an hour. Then I tried to get closer, but they heard me, so I just proceeded to attack. They picked up some sticks and charged at me, so I didn\'t have to run to them. Which, by the way, would be terrible for the injured leg.

There was a moment, as I saw them running, that pictures from the last fight flashed in my mind. The club almost slipped from my grip when the body suddenly went limp. There was a moment of panic. Terrible moment. I couldn\'t force myself to move. I couldn\'t scream. Only a choked moan escaped my mouth, and they were getting closer, and closer, and closer. Then I suddenly got back control over the body.

The first one tried to block my desperate swing, but his body was too weak, and he got knocked back on his ass. The second got to me. With a shield, I easily blocked the blow and countered with a heavy swing in the head. Goblin turned to black smoke, leaving crystal behind.

In the meantime, the other got back on his feet and charged. I blocked the attack again. A simple swing from above got me the next hundred points in crystallized form. I collected both quickly. Had to eat the food I was carrying with me to put them in the pocket of the hoodie, then was on my way for more.

Despite the moment of panic, I felt so powerful. I overcame my fear and won the fight with ease. I could do it. I really could.

My feet hurt a lot. The skin on the sole was really dry and started to harden from all the barefoot walking. There was also a lier of dirt on them. I could kill for a bath, but there was no option for a luxury like that. Only one thing that could be done. Hunting. More hunting.

It was past noon by then. How could I tell? Well, I couldn\'t. It is just a guess. There was a lot of walking. I was certain at least a few hours passed. Exhaustion started to take its toll on me, but I couldn\'t stop. With new motivation, I just went on, deeper into the woods.

Sometime later I got myself another group of goblins. Three this time. One had a bow. I managed to sneak a bit closer to them, than the last time. Then I just yelled at them while showing myself. As usual, they charged. Well not all of them, since, as I mentioned before, one had a bow, and shoot at me.

I didn\'t want to take any risk and jumped behind the tree for cover. When their steps got loud enough I jumped out with the club ready to strike. Had to block an arrow with the shield instead, and awkwardly swing to knock his weapon to the side. Third got close enough, but I managed to dodge. Could feel a sharp sting of pain as I did it, but there was no time to think about anything else than the fight.

They didn\'t stop the assault. The third arrow hit the tree just beside me. With a thrust, I managed to hit one straight to the face but had to block the incoming swing at the same time. I rushed forward closing the distance with the unwounded goblin. Pushing him as hard as my leg allowed me while gritting the teeth to withstand pain. He fell on his ass. The other one lost the sharpness of movement because of my hit. He swung at me, but it was easy to knock the club out of the way and finish him with a strong blow.

Unfortunately, a goblin on the ground jumped on my leg trying to bite, but I smacked him with the shield and then finished. Another arrow passed by, ending its fly a solid step behind me, stuck in forest soil. I hid behind the tree. Forcing my last opponent to change the angle.

He didn\'t have many more arrows. So instead of waiting, I decided to close the distance jumping from cover to cover. The stupid goblin only stopped shooting at me when he lost all of his arrows. Then charged swinging his bow. It was easy to kill him.

When the adrenaline rush ended, I could feel for the very first time how stupid I was deciding to start this fight. I had to sit down. I tried to slightly massage the leg, but it didn\'t help much. Maybe even made things worse.

The shield was damaged. Still usable for one, or maybe even two fights, but definitely no more than that. My condition was a way worse problem.

It took a solid hour to get back up again. I knew I\'m out, so I just collected the crystals and limped my way back to the city. It was the most difficult walk I have ever experienced in my life to that point, back then. Whenever I heard some noises, I made sure to avoid whatever was making them. So return took even more time. Pain and exhaustion made me nauseous. I would probably puke if my stomach wasn\'t empty. I felt like I was about to, at least a few times.

It started to get dark when finally I came back. Will was waiting for me, sitting by the wall of a ruined house. He was making towers with brick fragments.

- You are back. Impressive - he said after noticing me. - You look like shit.

- You too, Will.

He laughed out loud. Stood up, and came to me offering his shoulder. I accepted, and with his help started walking to the city center.

- How was it? Didn\'t see any patrols?

- Terrible, and no. No patrols. Nothing that would indicate an incoming attack on the city, or them looking for us at all.

- See? I told them yesterday, and they didn\'t believe me. Cowards.

- Then why didn\'t you go hunting today?

- Couple of reasons. I want to go with a group, not alone, like you. I\'m not suicidal. People I used to hunt with before didn\'t want to risk it. They probably are going to go tomorrow. On top of that, my shoulder isn\'t yet at a hundred percent, and I still have enough points to survive for a couple of days.

I was too tired to continue the conversation, so I stopped talking. Will quickly moved the topic to his past and started to bitch about it. I was just nodding from time to time.

When we finally got to the device I exchanged crystals for points. I had five of them. A few people were looking at me carefully. It was pretty obvious that they would beat me up, or even killed me if it had been them at the gate, not Will. I carefully made note of that in my mind. I couldn\'t ever again allow myself to be in such terrible condition as now, if I wanted to keep my earnings. I bought five oranges and ate them right away, then sat on the rubble with Will, talking about nothing important. I just wanted to gather strength before heading to the hideout with my usual stroll around the city.

Day ended with 692 points.

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